Jur. Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, 161000, Turkistan region, Sozak area Sholakkorgan village, Zhibek Zholy Street, w / n,
Fact. Address: 160012 Republic of Kazakhstan,
Shymkent, Konaev ave. 83/2
Tel: 8 (7252) 99-73-90 (ext. 45600)
E-mail: infoakbastau.kazatomprom.kz
Hot-line Samruk-Kazyna
You can report possible violations in the field of business and accounting, the occurrence or alleged facts of theft, fraud and corruption on the terms of confidentiality and anonymity.
Telephone: 8-800-080-4747
Site: https://www.sk-hotline.kz
E-mail: mailsk-hotline.kz